
Project Description

  • Project : Promotion of Community Livelihood through Agro Diversity based on Organic
  • Donor :HDFC Bank 'Parivartan'
  • Location :Meghalaya
  • Districts Covered : 1
  • Village Covered : 20
  • Farmers Registered : 1500
  • Total Area Covered(Ha) : 1481.72
  • Duration : 3 Years
  • Starting : 01 January 2021

Key Deliverables

  • Convert 10,000-acre land into certified organic agriculture fields.
  • Conducting various motivational & awareness program in organic agriculture and formation of Farmer Interest Group.
  • Empowers 6,000 farmers as certified Organic Producers.
  • New Orchard Development with 20,000 Fruit Trees Plantation.
  • Development of 10 Model Organic Villages in 1 year.
  • Livelihood up gradation through various allied agricultural activity.
  • Establishment of collection cum processing unit.
  • Common Organic Brand Development and Value Addition.

Project Activities

Increase in awareness of community on organic agriculture, agro diversity and incentive for its conservation

Under this activity 20 micro plan in Assam with 20 FIG has been formed. Various motivational & awareness programs has been conducted to increase the awareness among people about organic farming.

Project Orientation Meetings

Village level meetings were conducted in the project area covering numerous villages. The meetings were scheduled after prior information to village heads and local farmers.

Orientation meetings were first group dialogues between the farmers and the organization. Our objective was to understand the farmers cropping pattern, their challenges and market linkage while sharing our project objectives and goals.

Orchard Development

SUVIDHA has distributed 5,000 saplings of fruit trees in project districts. Under this activity we have distributed sapling of Litchi and Coconut in Meghalaya.

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